Summer Reading 2024
Grades 5-12
The Summer Reading Requirement texts below have been assigned according to rising grade level. Please read the book assigned for the grade you will be entering in the fall:
Grade 5 & 6 Assignment: Read the book listed below for your grade level over the summer. During the first few weeks of school in the fall, you will analyze the parts of the story (beginning, middle, and end) and answer questions in your literature class about the characters and plot.
**Additionally students in both 5th and 6th grade are asked to read the short story Farmer Giles of Ham by J. R. R. Tolkien. This reading will be discussed in literature class during the opening weeks of the school year.
Required reading for grades 5 and 6 in late August: Farmer Giles of Ham
Grade 7 & 8 Assignment: Read the book for your grade level over the summer. During the first few weeks of school in the fall, you will be given an outlining assignment to analyze the structure of the book. You should also be prepared to discuss the book in your literature class.
High School Assignment: Read the book for your grade level over the summer. On one of the first days of school in the fall, students will participate in a seminar class discussion according to their grade level. In addition, reading comprehension questions will be emailed to students and have been posted below for students to answer during the summer. Additional discussions and/or writing assignments may be required in the first literature classes in the fall.
Please answer the series of questions above that correspond to your grade level's reading assignment. Bring a physical copy of your answers--typed or handwritten--to turn in on the first day of school. Do not email your answers, or hand in your answers to a teacher at the Welcome Back evening, they will get lost this way! Your literature teacher will ask you for the assignment during orientation. Finally, you and your classmates will participate in a discussion of your assigned text on one of the first days of school; your contributions to this discussion and your answers to the comprehension questions will determine your first grade of the year in Literature class.
Saint Michael School has limited copies of each of these texts in our library. Texts may be loaned on a first come-first serve basis, and each family is responsible for the return and condition of any book borrowed from the school.
If you would like to borrow a copy from the school for the summer, please make arrangements through the front office at (802) 254-6320 or by emailing [email protected].